The Ballistic Coprocessor cyberware helps you aim better when you try to ricochet bullets off walls or other surfaces onto enemies at odd angles. The easiest thing I have found is blocking the nostril that is most open and breathing only through the partially blocked nostril, although I have no idea if this is actually raising the co2 tolerance levels in my body.

The last thing you need to do before performing the surgery is to check for warnings. Sensory Amplifiers, depending on their effect, can either increase Armor, Health, Crit Chance or Crit Damage. One of the several best cyberware in CP2077 is the Titanium Bones Cyberware.

The Component Box can be accessed by right clicking with it in your hand, and is a handy place to store Components. To craft a Scanner, you'll need to use a Cybereye that you salvaged from a Cyberzombie. Coal Runescape - How to Fix Your PC Problem. All you need to do is find a ripperdoc and purchase the Titanium Bones at 1,000 Eurodollars.